spStack - Bayesian Geostatistics Using Predictive Stacking
Fits Bayesian hierarchical spatial process models for
point-referenced Gaussian, Poisson, binomial, and binary data
using stacking of predictive densities. It involves sampling
from analytically available posterior distributions conditional
upon some candidate values of the spatial process parameters
and, subsequently assimilate inference from these individual
posterior distributions using Bayesian predictive stacking. Our
algorithm is highly parallelizable and hence, much faster than
traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms while
delivering competitive predictive performance. See Zhang, Tang,
and Banerjee (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.12414>, and, Pan,
Zhang, Bradley, and Banerjee (2024)
<doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.04655> for details.